Terms and Conditions


By using the website www.elegant-lighting.org users accept the published General Terms and Conditions. Based on these General Terms and Conditions, MTM and users agree on mutual obligations when purchasing via the online store www.elegant-lighting.org.
User is a person who uses the website, as well as every customer and visitor of the website www.elegant-lighting.org.
The contract is concluded when the seller (MTM) accepts the buyer's offer, and everything stated on the pages represents an invitation to offer. The seller may terminate the sales contract, if the buyer does not pay the purchase price, and is not obliged to deliver the product until the moment of receipt of the purchase price, except in the case when the buyer has chosen the method of payment by cash on delivery. If for some reason the buyer does not pick up the shipment and it is returned to the seller, the seller will repeat the delivery 2 more times and after a total of 3 unsuccessful delivery attempts[K .O.1], the seller will not repeat other deliveries.
The privacy policy is an integral part of these General Terms and Conditions.
MTM reserves the right to change the general conditions on the website www.elegant-lighting.org at any time and without prior notice to users. Any changes to the general terms and conditions are binding on users.


Purchase is possible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The seller is not responsible for the costs of using computer equipment and telecommunications services necessary to access the service. The customer will be notified by e-mail about the order confirmation (receiving an electronic message with the customer's offer) and the dispatch of the shipment.
In the event that the Seller is unable to deliver any of the ordered products for any reason, an employee of the Seller will contact the customer by phone or e-mail in order to agree on the delivery of a replacement product or possible cancellation. ordered product.
The purchase of products and/or services in the name and on behalf of minors or persons deprived of legal capacity (completely or partially) can only be requested by their legal representatives.
The purchase is made by ordering the available products, which the customer selects based on the photo and basic description. The photos are illustrative in nature and do not always correspond to the available products in all the details. The purchase is made in a few simple steps in the comfort of the customer's home, from anywhere in the world.
Product search is possible according to different criteria. By typing a certain term in the "Search" field (located in the upper part of the cell in the middle), products related to the given term will appear. More information about the product itself can be obtained by clicking on the desired product.
Product orders are made electronically. By clicking on the "Add to cart" icon, the selected product is added to the cart. By placing the product in the shopping cart, the product is not reserved, ordered or purchased. The customer can continue to add products by clicking on the long products they choose or view the cart by clicking on "Cart" or complete the product selection process by clicking "Continue at checkout". By clicking on "Access the cash register", the buyer will be obliged to enter the appropriate information in order to make a payment or purchase of selected products. After entering the requested customer information, by clicking on "Next", the buyer is redirected to the page where he enters information about the payment method, delivery method and price and code if he has a coupon or gift certificate. , and adds additional notes if any. It is not possible to continue the purchase without marking the box "I agree with the General Terms and Conditions", whose label the buyer confirms that these General Terms and Conditions have been read and understood and agrees with them. .

After the buyer confirms the completed order, the Seller will deliver various messages (confirmation of the order, notification of change of status or cancellation of the order) to the e-mail address indicated by the buyer. At the time of receipt of the order, MTM will electronically inform the Customer in the form of an e-mail that the order has been received or that the product has been ordered. MTM undertakes to deliver all ordered and paid products that are available in the warehouse at the time of delivery.
If the buyer has not received the said confirmations via e-mail within 72 hours or it is not possible to access the service in the manner specified in the e-mail, he is obliged to contact the Seller at the e-mail address.
In the event that the Seller is unable to deliver any of the ordered products for any reason, an employee of the Seller will contact the customer by phone or e-mail in order to agree on the delivery of a replacement product or possible cancellation. ordered product and refund of paid funds.
In case of problems or ambiguities during the order, the customer can contact the Seller by e-mail or during working hours by phone.
The seller can terminate the sales contract if, due to a technical error in the system, the price of the item is zero (0 kn / 0 €), in which case the seller reserves the right not to deliver the item without compensation.
The seller will contact the buyer by phone or e-mail and inform him about the exact price of the item.


The customer undertakes to pay for the ordered products using one of the following payment methods:
By credit or debit card - directly online, online card payment (one-time and in installments) using the card payment service listed below, or
Payment to the account - payment by general money order or internet banking
In the case of payment by credit card, general payment order and e-banking, the payment must be made no later than the deadline specified in the e-mail message confirming that the contract has been concluded.

The point of sale elegant-lighting.org uses a security SSL certificate with 256 bit encryption and HTTPS protocol for data protection.

The point of sale elegant-lighting.org uses Monri WSPay for online payments.

On our web shop, there is the possibility of payment using the Aircash system, the possibility of one-time payment via Mastercard, Maestro, VISA, Diners, Discover and DinaCard cards, as well as payment in 2-36 installments via Diners cards and payment in 2-12 installments via Maestro, Mastercard and VISA card of Erste Bank and the group of MB+ cards, possibility of one-time payment via Maestro, Mastercard and VISA and VISA Premium cards of PBZ, and installment payment for VISA and VISA Premium cards of PBZ from 2-12 installments.

Monri WSPay is a secure system for online payment, real-time payment, credit and debit cards and other payment methods. Monri WSPay provides the customer and merchant with secure registration and transfer of entered card data, which also confirms the PCI DSS certificate that Monri WSPay has. Monri WSPay uses SSL certificate of 256 bit encryption and TLS 1.2 cryptographic protocol as the highest levels of protection when writing and transferring data.

MTM is committed to protecting customers' personal data by collecting only the necessary, basic information about customers/users that are necessary to fulfill our obligations; informcustomers about how the collected data is used, regularly giving customers the choice to use their data, including the ability to decide whether or not to have their name removed from the lists used for marketing campaigns. MTM does not store customers' debit or credit card information, as well as cvv card numbers. All user data is strictly confidential and is available only to employees who need this information to perform the job. All MTM employees and business partners are responsible for respecting the principles of privacy protection.
The purchase contract is concluded at the moment of acceptance of the buyer's offer, and the product will be shipped to the delivery service within 5 to 10 working days (Saturdays, Sundays and non-working days are not included) upon receipt of payment of the purchase price.

If the Product is not available, the Seller will inform the Buyer (in writing or by phone) of the possible delivery time. The customer can then accept the new delivery date or cancel the order.
Products are delivered through transport companies that provide transport services. The products will be packaged so that they cannot be damaged by normal handling during transportation. When taking over the product, the buyer is obliged to check for possible damage and immediately report them to the delivery employee who delivered the goods or refuse to take over the shipment on which external damage is visible. Subsequent complaints will not be accepted. When picking up the goods, the buyer is obliged to sign a delivery note or delivery note, and the delivery service takes it as a pick-up certificate. The goods are insured against loss during delivery, and if the Buyer does not receive any notice or delivery from the Seller even after 7 (literally: seven) days from the date of delivery of the order, he must inform him in order for the Seller to ensure that the shipment has been found or send a replacement.

We deliver products to all countries of the European Union. The shipping amount will be calculated in the shopping cart depending on the country of delivery and the weight/volume of the product.

Delivery in the territory of the Republic of Croatia is made daily on working days, and deliveries to places with a special delivery regime as well as places where delivery is not possible are listed here .

Note for receiving shipments from courier services:

Shipment check:
When picking up the shipment, carefully inspect the package and possibly the contents to make sure that everything is in accordance with your expectations.
Visible damage: In the event that you notice visible damage to the package or the contents of the package, please inform us immediately, and record the damage when signing for the receipt of the shipment.

Deadline for complaints:
Please note that the deadline for complaints of visibly damaged packages and package contents is 24 hours from the moment of collection. Please contact us immediately so that we can provide you with adequate support and a solution to the problem.


According to Article 72. of the Consumer Protection Act, the consumer has the right, without giving any reason, to unilaterally terminate the contract within 14 days from the day of delivery of the item to the consumer.
The direct costs of returning the goods are borne by the Buyer (delivery costs).
Products returned by the Customer must be undamaged and returned in undamaged, original packaging. The buyer is responsible for any reduction in the value of the goods resulting from the handling of the goods (including damage to the original packaging), except for those that were necessary to determine the nature, characteristics and functionality of the goods.
The customer does not have the right to terminate the contract in the cases prescribed by the current Consumer Protection Act, especially if:
- the subject of the contract is goods that are made according to the customer's specification or are clearly adapted to the customer;
- the subject of the contract is goods which, due to their nature, are inseparably mixed with other things after delivery.
These provisions on the right to unilateral termination of the contract apply exclusively to customers who have the status of a consumer in accordance with the applicable legal regulations.
If the buyer terminates the contract, MTM will return the funds received in the name of the said purchase, including delivery costs (except additional costs arising from the customer's choice of another type of delivery, except the cheapest standard delivery offered by MTM) immediately, and no later than 14 (in letters: fourteen) days from the date of receipt of the notice of withdrawal from the contract. Refunds are made in the same way that the purchase was made.


MTM is responsible for material defects of the product in accordance with the provisions of the applicable Civil Obligations Act. If you have noticed damage to the product or the product has defects, you have the right to file a complaint. You can make a complaint by sending photos of irregularities or damage to the e-mail address: info@elegant-lighting.org, together with the order number, all so that we can check your claims as soon as possible and start the procedure to eliminate any irregularities that may have been found.
The complaint will be considered justified if the inspection of the product determines that it meets the conditions for a complaint in accordance with the Law on Obligations and the Law on Consumer Protection.
Complaints can be submitted via a written consumer complaint to the address:
MTM doo
Hitrecova Street 5
10000 Zagreb
Phone: +385 1 7899 852
Email: info@elegant-lighting.org
If the customer has any other objections to the purchase, they can submit them to the above address (by post or e-mail). MTM will respond to the complaint as soon as possible, and no later than 15 days from the receipt of the complaint, and the response will be delivered in the same way that the complaint was sent.


If a particular product has a warranty or is subject to terms of service, the same is highlighted in the description of that product. The rights from the warranty card can be used only upon presentation of the warranty card and invoice, and for the duration of the warranty period.


In accordance with the requirement of Regulation (EU) No. Regulation (EU) No 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council on online consumer dispute resolution MTM hereby informs customers that they have the opportunity to resolve any disputes with MTM d.o.o. and through the interactive online platform Platform for Online Consumer Dispute Resolution (PLATFORM FOR ORS). The user can access the ORS platform by clicking on the following link: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/main/index.cfm?event=main.home2.show&lng=HR
In the event of a dispute between the consumer and the company MTM doo, the buyer-consumer can submit a complaint to the Court of Honor of the Croatian Chamber of Commerce (Rooseveltov trg 2, 10 000 Zagreb, +385 1 4848-624, +385 1 4848-628, sudcasti@hgk.hr) .p
MTM doo and the customer will try to resolve any disputes amicably and by agreement, otherwise the competent court in Zagreb will have jurisdiction.